What is a Morton’s neuroma?
A Morton’s neuroma is typically described as a compression of the nerve that runs in between the 3 Morton’s Neuroma rd and 4th metatarsals. Due to the compression this can cause scar tissue to form and enlargement of the intermetatarsal nerve.
What are the causes of a Morton’s neuroma?
A Morton’s Neuroma usually occurs due to excessive pronation (feet rollin in) and/or wearing tight fitting footwear for extended periods.
Excessive pronation has the effect of causing instability in the forefoot. This instability increases the movement of the 3rd and 4th metatarsal and as a result causes the irritation and impingement of the nerve.
Wearing tight fitting footwear causes a squeezing effect through the forefoot and therefore impingement of the nerve through compression forces.
What are the symptoms of a Morton’s neuroma?
The pain is generalised through the ball of the foot and can be described as a shooting/burning pain which worsens while weight bearing and wearing tight fitting footwear. Pain may radiate through the 3rd and 4th toes. Pins and needles or sharp shooting pain may be experienced when the forefoot is squeezed together and pressure is applied to the foot.
What is the treatment for a Morton’s neuroma?
Conservative management includes icing, massage, foot taping, padding, stretching, foot strength, adequate footwear, footwear modification (if required) and accommodative or functional foot orthoses.
Injections of local anaesthetic or cortisone may also be used by Sports Physicians to help relieve the painful symptoms.
If conservative treatment fails, then surgery may be indicated.